IMPORTANT NOTICE: Following a very successful year, demand for our service has been outstripping capacity. We have therefore expanded. We now have a number of associates with whom we are closely collaborating. This enables us to cover the South Coast, London, Wales and the Midlands. We are also looking for associates to cover the North, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Our new name is Hall and Associates.

Welcome to Hall & Associates

Providers of advice for Wills, Trusts, Appointing Guardians, Inheritance Tax Planning, Powers of Attorney and planning of Care Fees.

We provide a valuable service for the clients of Accountants, Independent Financial Advisers and Membership Organisations. We are now planning to expand and are keen to meet new professional firms.

If your clients or members are concerned about any of the following questions, then Hall & Associates Partners are able to help.

  • How can I ensure my assets and property pass to the right people in the event of my death?
  • What is the value of my estate on death and will my family have to pay Inheritance Tax – currently 40%?
  • I could lose mental capacity at some stage in my life through illness, accident or old age. How can I ensure that my financial, property, health and welfare affairs can be managed by someone I trust either for a short period or on a permanent basis?
  • If my partner and I die who will look after my children and how do I appoint suitable Guardians?
  • What are costs involved in caring for the elderly and how can my family best plan for the future?
  • Why should I put my life insurance policies and pension funds into trust?
  • What is cross option planning and how can this protect the assets for our business associates and our families?

Services we can offer your business

Will Writing Service

Our Services

Accountants and Independent Financial Advisers will always recommend that their clients make a Will. This is because without a Will, their clients assets may not go to the people they want to inherit from their estates. Despite this, 70% of people in the UK have not yet made a Will and for those that have, the Will may not have been reviewed for many years. We provide a free initial consultation which can be conducted by phone, in your office or in the comfort of your clients home.

Setting up Trusts

Our Services

As well as the risks of not having a Will, a large proportion of your clients inheritance can be lost in future divorce settlements, to creditors and through avoidable taxation. The use of specialist Trusts provided by Countrywide Tax and Trust Corporation Ltd can ensure that your clients family will fully benefit from their inheritance. Your Business clients may also require advice on how to ensure their business assets pass on to their families in the most tax efficient way.

Appointing Guardians

Our Services

The role of a guardian is a very important if your clients have children. Should your client die without making a Will or if they have not appointed guardians in their Will, their children could be placed in care until the court appoints official guardians to look after them. This could take months and would obviously result in distress for their children and other surviving members of their family. Carefully selecting and appointing guardians and deputy guardians’ through a Will safeguards this.

Inheritence Tax Planning

Our Services

Most accountants and IFAs will be experts in helping clients with their tax planning needs. However, we work in association with Countrywide Tax and Trust Corporation (STEP authorised) who are experts in providing advice which includes the use of specialist Trusts. This additional resource is available to you through Hall & Associates and this may provide tax savings for your clients that had not previously been considered.

Power of Attorney

Our Services

Your clients may face a situation in their lives when they unable to manage their personal or business affairs or need help in making the right medical decisions for their wellbeing. This commonly happens as a result of dementia but can also be caused by other temporary or permanent illnesses or accidents for younger clients who are still in their prime. Lasting Powers of Attorney can be established for people while they still have full mental capacity.

Elderly Care Fees

Our Services

Specialist Trusts can also be used to protect the family home and other assets from being lost to the costs of Long Term Care. Many families are forced to sell their parents homes to pay for care. Local Authorities will can also place a charge on property to recover care home fees. When such a property is sold, the Local Authority can recover the fees owed to them before the beneficiaries of the estate can receive their inheritance.

If these services can add value to your business please contact us on 01202 658 025

About us

Much of our life is spent accumulating possessions, buying a house, saving for the future, planning for retirement and collecting ‘priceless treasures’ that have more sentimental than intrinsic value. It is only natural that you would want to pass those things on to the people that you care about most.

And so, if you want to keep your assets safe, it is important to make sure that you have put as much protection in place as possible while you are still able to do so.

Over the years we have helped thousands of people throughout the UK to protect their assets for their loved ones.
We can arrange to visit you in the offices of your accountant,or IFA or in the comfort of your own home to discuss your current situation and provide the answers to any questions you might have.

Martin Hall and Associates each have 30 years experience of helping people like your clients and members to find answers to these questions and to provide cost effective solutions if needed.

Hall and Associates can currently cover the South , London, Wales and the Midlands and we plan to expand soon. If you are interested in finding out more about how our service can benefit your clients or members, then please contact Martin on 07803 229 604 (email) or by email


Become a Hall & Associates Partner

In order to provide national coverage, we are looking for an additional 3 experienced professional people to join our team. If you are based in the South East, the North of England and Scotland or near London then please contact us.

Interested? Contact

Martin Hall on 07803 229604 (


Contact us

Estate Planners and Associates
Martin Hall

Martin Hall

Business Owner
07803 229 604 | 01202 658 025
Email Martin
Ken Bowden

Ken Bowden

07803 820 890
Phil O'Toole

Phil O'Toole

07415 954 232
Hilary Jackson

Hilary Jackson

Administration Manager & Estate Planner
07909 622898
Brian Chapman

Brian Chapman

Business Development Manager
07803 281500
Email Brian
Financial Advisers
Elisabeth Noyce

Elisabeth Noyce

True Potential
Email Elisabeth
Adrian Simpson

Adrian Simpson

Simpson and Associates
Email Adrian
Daniel House

Daniel House

DH Accounting
Email Daniel
Stephen Wood

Stephen Wood

Newton Magnus
Email Stephen
Abacus Financial Options
Hall & Associates have established a close working relationship with Abacus Financial Options. Along with our accountancy associates, we are able to provide an integrated service of estate planning, accountancy and financial advice to our clients.

Abacus Financial Options are well established independent financial advisers with offices based in Ferndown near Bournemouth. Their team of friendly and knowledgeable advisers cover much of Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset, Hampshire, London, Cornwall and beyond, delivering comprehensive financial information and financial advice to their valued clients.

As independent financial advisers Abacus are able to look at the whole of the market, working with their clients to deliver personalised solutions and help them meet their financial goals.

The success of the Abacus approach to advising clients on their needs has led them to build long term working relationships and allowed the company to enjoy organic growth largely through word of mouth. If you think you may benefit from their advice please do not hesitate to them contact them on 01202 646 960 or visit

Abacus Financial Options

Jenny Leeder

Financial Adviser
Email Jenny
Abacus Financial Options

Jeremy Howe

Financial Adviser
Email Jeremy
Abacus Financial Options
Jo Deeks
Financial Adviser

Email Jo
Abacus Financial Options

Johanna Kemp

Mortgage & Insurance Adviser
Email Johanna
Abacus Financial Options

Simon Chandler

Financial Adviser
Email Simon
Abacus Financial Options
Stuart Ross
Financial Adviser

Email Stuart
Abacus Financial Options

Tim Adams

Financial Adviser
Email Tim
Abacus Financial Options

Dan Hills

Mortgage & Insurance Adviser
Email Dan


Hall & Associates work in association with Countrywide Tax and Trust Corporation Ltd.
Hall and Associates is a trading name for Interact Management Solutions Ltd.
Privacy Notice
